Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Dead Sea

Well..look at that! We're still alive! It's only because we were so busy with finals yada yada...(no excuses). Well my boyfriend took a trip to Israel and traveled all over the country to learn about his Jewish heritage. Then a light flickered in my head! The dead sea and their mud along with salt water are known for skin rejuvenation, stimulates the cell growth that slows down aging, and makes your skin soft as a baby's bottom! I told him to bring a tub of those mud back home. They won't let him. He did buy me the products made from the dead sea, and let me tell you..I have never loved a product before until now. I'm so soft, I can't handle it! He told me since the dead sea was 75% saltier than the regular ocean (I might've gotten the percentage wrong, but it's something ridiculous like that) so I should not get the crap into my eyes. Me, being me, I put it near my face and it accidentally went into my eye. I thought my eyeball was melting. Lesson learned, I want a soft body..not a soft eye. No bueno.

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